Profile PictureOliver Franco [Niche Perfect] [Internet marketing]

Optin secrets: 35 ways to get more email subscribers

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Hey sexy marketer, you!

You've probably heard "The money is in the list", right?

Every marketer knows that is true...

So it makes sense to say "The bigger the list the more money you can make", right?

If you're a selling champ, that's guaranteed more sales.

If you can't even sell your girlfriend on watching Avengers rather than a chick flick...a big list can make up

for not being able to sell properly yet.

But here's a question for you, hotshot. How the heck do you grow your list?

There's two big ways to go at it. So let me illustrate with a story for the ages, known and enjoyed by millions.

I shall tell thee the story, ney the LEGEND of...the Karate Kid...

*cough* So. In the movie Karate Kid, Daniel asks this old Japanese man, to teach him Karate.

He agrees, but then instead of showing him the super secret technique passed down from his grandparents...

Mr Miyagi asks him to wash his car, paint his fence. Here's the scene as Miyagi returns from fishing, while Daniel paints away:

Miyagi: Oh, miss spot.

Daniel: What spot? Hey, how come you didn't tell me you were goin' fishing?

Miyagi: You not here when I go.

Daniel: Well, maybe I wanted to go, you ever think of that?

Miyagi: You karate training.

Daniel: I'm *what*? I'm bein' your goddamn *slave* is what I'm bein' here man, now c'mon we made a deal here!

Miyagi: So?

Daniel: So? So, you're supposed to teach and I'm supposed to learn! For 4 days I've been bustin' my ass, and haven't learned a goddamn thing!

Miyagi: You learn plenty.

Daniel: I learn plenty, yeah, I learned how to sand your decks maybe. I washed your car, paint your house, paint your fence. I learn plenty!

Miyagi: Ah, not everything is as seems...

Daniel: Oh, bullsh*t! I'm goin' home, man!

Of course, at the end of the movie Daniel wins the Karate championship, basic actions taught Daniel really good Karate.

The point? Unsexy wins.

So. I need to separate the "wheat from the chaff", cuz my offer is more Mr Miyagi than anything.

You are either the kind of marketer who cannot help but buy into anyone screaming "Brand new never before seen super

ninja tactic to build your list, zero work involved, moneys do it for you!" or you are the kind of marketer that knows that

results come from the basic, unsexy things.

If you are the first kind, so long to you. The following is not anything particularly new or exciting.

If you are the second kind, the kind that doesn't believe in Santa Claus nor the tooth on.

I already like you and my offer is for you.

You as a smart marketer already know that all lists are based on two simple things:

Traffic+optin form conversions=List 

Nothing more, nothing less.

I do not know of any other reliable way to build your list other than that.

So here's what I have for you: 35 no nonsense, straight-to-the-point tips to skyrocket your email list.

You get 35 tips delivered to you in PDF and EPUB and have to do with increasing the conversions

of your optin form. You can read everything in one sitting.

Nothing "ninja tactic", but all about increasing your conversions.

But first, I realize I didn't even introduce myself. Oliver Franco here, and you might not know me.

Ha! who am I kiddin'? You don't know me. I'm one of those lurkers who read WF but never post.

Been making a living online since 2012 (Dear Mayans: Ha!) and am well known in my niche.

Huffington Post, Speaking, published, whatever.

But this not about me my friend. This be about you. By now I am sure you are wondering what's inside, right?

Well, hide your kids, hide your wives because sexy boulettes points are coming! Check em':

✅ How to monetize your optin without a bribe and without your own product! [Page 42]

✅ The conversion secret graphic designers know that marketers don't [Page 28]

✅ The optin mistake even CNN makes! (it's a class A mistake... with a one second fix) (still can't believe this one!) [Page 24]

✅ The s---t test that predict if your optin will be successful (no, it's not sh*t test)(<-lol)[page 30]

✅ Why your grin is probably putting off your prospects and murdering your conversions(Got this from an FBI agent) [Page 34]

✅ The conversion secret photographers know that marketers don't [Page 26]

✅ How to get optins without creating a bribe (a quick 20 mins and done) [Page 11]

✅ The most powerful copywriting trick ever that skyrockets conversion. I have never saw this taught anywhere. It is so powerful I had a moral crisis sharing it. [Page 13]

✅ If you have a picture as your background, you are [B]ruining your optins[/B]. Fix it in 2 seconds. [Page 22]

✅ The secret magazines know that boost optins [Page 27]

✅ The conversion secret Youtubers know that marketers don't [Page 35]

✅ The optin[B] mistake most marketers make[/B] (makes refunds spike) [Page 7]

✅ The second sale every optin should make (a secret revealed by Gary Halbert to an exclusive group) [Page 12]

✅ How a one letter change boosted conversions (the psychology behind this arms you to the teeth for conversions)[Pahe 13]

✅ The two words that [B]reliably boost conversions[/B]. So simple and easy, I usually test this first. [Page 16]

✅ Does your optin promise a benefit? Good. But THIS opens the floodgates [Page 17]

✅How to make yourself look bad....and have prospects rushing in to subscribe [Page 19]

✅ How to telegraph keywords in a split second (graphic designer tip) [Page 29]

✅ How to make irresistible buttons (works because attention is not a choice) [Page 32]

✅ Use images? Do this or suffer from diminished conversions. [Page 40]

✅ " DD" Pages. Seen this only done once by another marketer. My most cherished funnel strategy. [Page 41]

Looks good, heh? By now you are probably asking...

Heavens! How much this be?

All I am asking for is five buckarronies. 5 dollars. 5 bucks. That's it! Get your copy now.

By the way my pinky is tingling, and it's telling me you are wondering...

Fair merchant, If be so darn great, why is this so cheap?

I have packed this with more than $100 worth of value, easy. Why would I offer it for such a minuscule price?

Well you're sharp cookie, aren't ya? Got three reasons why.

First is, I reaaaaally don't want to write a long sales page so I made this price as irresistible as possible so that my efforts were in creating this product and not in selling it. Give me 5 bucks and I get to be lazy. Sweet deal, right?

Second, I need testimonials and I am counting on the fact that you will get so much more incredible value than what you paid for that you will hit reply and leave me one.

By the way, when you reply with your testimonial, please write in your own legit voice. I know it's a bit weird to ask, but a lot of the reviews I have seen around here have raised my B.S meter trough the roof. Seriously tho, I hate this industry sometimes.

Anyway. Last reason for a crazy low price is...hum. How do I say this....


Last reason for a small price is....just in case there is a small typo...or maybe two...You cut me some slack....Mmkay? *shrug*

60 day Guarantee

Optin secrets doubles your optin form conversions or your money back. If you are not satisfied, shoot me an email and I will do two things.

First, I will send you your money back. Second, I will try not to, I'll beg God for forgiveness afterwards, but I'll probably judge you.

Why? Because unless you are an image professional well versed in visual psychology...there's absolutely no way you know some of these optin secrets.

I never heard most of these stated in any form...and I have been an "information connoisseur" *cough* infoJUNKY *cough* for years.

60 days to get your money back. Not kidding about that judging part tho.

Anyway. Time for me to ask for the sale. Writing this totally took more time than I expected but whatever, I'm cool with it. 

Just so you know: I ain't gonna keep this up forever. Mama didn't raise no fool! I reserve the right to pull this off the market at any time.

When it's gone, it's gone.

A steal anyway you look at ir

Just imagine how much more you can make with a few hundred more names in your email list.

All from little changes here an there and your life is easier.

Just one of these tips can double or triple your optin rate and pay for itself. Buy now and never look back.

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Optin secrets: 35 ways to get more email subscribers

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